Friday, March 22, 2019

New Dehumidifiers in Stock Now

We're excited to bring in a high end piece of equipment available for rental, the LGR 7000 dehumidifier unit. This is a perfect dehumidifier for very large jobs, but is also small and transportable enough for small-scale household work.

The Dri-Eaz LGR 7000 is a high capacity commercial grade dehumidifier unit. Capable of removing over 29 gallons of water a day, the LGR 7000 has over twice the capacity of most rental dehumidifiers. This dehumidifier can be used to control ambient humidity levels in spaces as large as 26,000 cubic feet.

Furthermore, the LGR 7000 has an intuitive digital screen that can be set to take the guesswork out of dehumidification. the LGR 7000 can be programmed to adjust itself to keep a specific humidity level present in a room, so you really can just set it and forget it.

Daily rental rates begin at $75, and feature substantial price breaks for weekly and monthly use.

To learn more about the dehumidifiers we offer, as well as other abatement rental equipment, email us at or visit our website

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